The MTL5074 converts a low-level dc signal from a temperature sensor
mounted in a hazardous area into a 4/20mA current for driving a
safe-area load. Software selectable features include linearisation,
ranging, monitoring, testing and tagging for eight thermocouple
types and 2-, 3- or 4-wire RTDs. For thermocouples requiring coldjunction compensation, the HAZ-CJC plug can be ordered with the
product, and includes an integral CJC sensor.
特價銷售:德國倍加福(P F),英國MTL安全柵,德國圖爾克(TURCK),德國施克(SICK),德國菲尼克斯(PHOENIX),邦納(BANNER),日本CKD,德國易福門(IFM)等,全系列安全柵,電源,模塊,傳感器,編碼器,端子繼電器等,公司備有大量庫存,另為客戶提供偏門冷門的歐州產(chǎn)品。